Working With Your Energy

Your energy body is constantly shifting as your thoughts and feelings evolve. When you consciously work with your energy through meditation, you can create inner states of peace, joy, abundance and radiate the energy outwards! This can have profound impacts on your outer world.

Working with your energy takes practice, and intention. At first you may not see or feel anything, but with practice you will begin to tune into your energy with ease, and be able to consciously shift into an high state, regardless of what is going on around you. Consciously creating your dream life from within!

Create Your Dream Life From Within

Create Your Dream Life From Within

Lower Centers

Second Chakra

The second chakra is located at the sacrum and emits a radiant orange energy. In its highest state, this chakra helps you feel flexible, flowing and abundant.

An imbalance may be indicated by dominant feelings of shortage consciousness (not enough), or inflexibility.

First Chakra

The first chakra is located at the base of the spine and emanates a strong red energy. This chakra governs stability and security. Feeling rooted, grounded, and supported.

Imbalance may be indicated by feeling fearful, unstable, or stuck in survival mode.

Fourth Chakra

The fourth chakra is located in the heart space, and emanates gentle, yet potent green energy. This chakra governs the highest form of love, giving and receiving with ease, and also forgiveness and compassion.

An imbalance may be indicated by holding on to the past, or feeling resentful, angry, or unloved.

Third Chakra

The third chakra is located in the belly space, and beams a vibrant yellow energy. This chakra governs your personal power, self-confidence and worthiness.

An imbalance may be indicated by feelings of powerlessness, or stress and struggle (think: anything that puts your stomach in knots).

Upper Centers & Aura

Fifth Chakra

The fifth chakra is located in the throat space and emits a rich, blue energy. This chakra governs your truest essence, self-expression, and communication.

An imbalance may be indicated by feeling stifled, not being true to yourself or refusing to see others as their true selves. Also an inability to clearly communicate.

Sixth Chakra

The sixth chakra is located in the third eye space, and emanates indigo or purple energy. This chakra governs your connection with your intuition and your highest-self. The infinite you that resides within.

An imbalance may be indicated by feelings of confusion, inability to make decisions or lacking trust in yourself.

Seventh Chakra

The seventh chakra is located in the top of the head, and radiates a violet or white energy. This chakra governs your connection with a higher power. Simply a connection with something that is bigger than you— call it what you’d like.

Imbalances in this chakra may include feelings of isolation, or lack of connection with purpose or passion. Going through the motions of the day- to-day.


The aura is your energy field that extends beyond your body. It is also is in a constant state of flux, and can change color, shape or size.